You matter

Jennifer Chambers has been a West York Borough resident for nearly 17 years. She has invested many years into the youth of our community, by working for the school district, transportation, coaching sports teams, interacting with them in public and volunteering at many school related activities. Jennifer believes that our youth are our future and we need to invest every minute, every dime, and every resource into them. She is a voice for every child, teenager, and young adult. Jennifer is a listener, not a talker. She loves to listen to people and their stories, experiences, and advice. Your Councilwoman is down to earth and relatable, she puts herself into the shoes of others when problem solving. Jennifer wears her heart on her sleeve. She listens to people express themselves, she genuinely cares about their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. You can count on Jennifer to hear your story from the beginning to the end. If she can not help you, she will lead  you to the person who is able, and if she does not know the answer to a question asked, she will find out and get back to you right away. YOU matter to Jennifer Chambers.

 Jennifer likes to spend time with her family, camping, swimming, basketball, softball, going to the beach and fishing. She enjoys going on Harley rides with her husband, shooting her bow and drinking coffee. A favorite past time, is when Jen and her husband went bow fishing together, but since, have not been able to find a successful bow fishing location. She is a school bus driver for Reliance Student Transportation and has been transporting students to and from school for 8 years. in addition, she is the President, Founder, and CEO of Trinity Youth Center. She is also a panelist for the York County Youth Diversionary Program, Sunday School Teacher and servant at Pathway Community Church, Chair of the West York Borough Parks and Recreation Committee, and serves on the West York Borough Public Safety Committee. I hope you have enjoyed getting to know a little bit about your West York Borough Councilwoman. To get in contact with your Councilwoman, please click the "contact" button below.


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